Something refreshing...

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Was in the mood for something simple and fun :d. I have to tell you guys that for the first 24 years of my life I had a huge phobia of being asked to create something cute. I suppose it's sort of inevitable when I'm surrounded by my amazingly-cute-comes-naturally-coworkers at Gaia Online, but I was and am really excited to finally have some semblance of confidence in creating "cute" work :). Thank you guys <3, Phi for her awesome crash course in cute, where she forced me to make the head BIGGER! And the eyes FURTHER APART! and LOWER! Like...RIGHT NEXT TO THE MOUTH!

Hopefully more to come in the future :).


Anonymous said...

Yay for you, cute can be a bit hard too

Anonymous said...

omg xD that's so funny, cute is like that. super cute though, so job accomplished ^^