Just messing around...

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

...before sleeeeep :). My favorite thing to do!

This turned into a little bit of color practice - lately I've felt really out of touch with non-cutesy colors as I've been working on painting Gaia environments for too long. The environments generally lend themselves to a pastel, hypersaturated palette and less contrast, relying more on color contrast for shading. As you can see I still had some trouble staying away from the bright colors XD. I have a habit of staying "safe" with my lighting, so I threw that in there too.

Anyway, sorry nothing finished :(. I might go back and finish this later, but I have like a BAJILLION other pieces that I need to finish first lol.


Laine said...

I've been meaning to do this too; I'm getting sick of my 1-style lighting lol.

Anonymous said...

Me too have same habit how can I leave this habit but I dont know this good or bad habit..........

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